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Mada Designs is an independent studio with a focus on designing Beautiful & Functional Furniture, Lighting and Home Goods


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May A. Megahed - IAM Technology Group Ltd

“I had the privilege of collaborating with Nick for more than a year on a project that demanded a high level of creativity and an intuitive approach. Nick was quick to comprehend our requirements, and he presented us with a well-crafted proposal. Throughout the project, communication with him was crystal clear, and he was open to accommodate our requests with the tools we were using. He's an adaptable professional who can work with diverse resources.

If you're looking for a partner to research, design, and prototype a new product, I highly recommend working with Nick. His expertise, attention to detail, and willingness to go the extra mile make him an outstanding collaborator"

Mada Designs is run by Nick Trodd who has a passion for designing meaningful and memorable products

Contact me and we can have a Virtual Coffee Chat

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